BAT-5 Backup Battery Replacement



BAT-5 – Backup Battery Replacement

SKU: BAT-5 Category:


BAT-5 Backup Battery Replacement – Replacement battery back-up that allows the siren to operate even if wires are cut or circumvented. This compact unit is installed internally in the main control module and takes no extra space on your bike. The BAT-5 back up battery comes installed already on all current alarm systems.

* Important Shipping information
Replacement batteries are only able to ship via ground methods.  International shipment is no longer available for this item individually due to shipping regulations by carriers.
International orders can add the TRS-9 and TRX-9 Remote Replacement Case and the order should be able to be shipped.

The BAT-5 Backup Battery Replacement is compatible with the 2006-2007 model SR-i500, all SR-i600, SR-i800 and SR-i900R, SRX-800, SRX-900 security systems.
This does not work for the Ride, Maverick, or Rlink models.

Additional information

Weight.125 lbs
Dimensions.5 × .5 × .5 in